Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Assignment # 3

Option One: Write one paragraph about a place or an event that has influenced who you are. Why is/was this place or event so important? How did it shape your morals or beliefs? Be sure you include a topic sentence, specific examples that support your topic sentence, and a final concluding sentence that wraps up your ideas.

The one event that has had a big influence on me is the time I went to the movies with my ex-boyfriend for my birthday after he had got back from out of town. It was a week after my 16th birthday and my ex called me up and said hey lets go to the movies and I thought it would be fun and enjoyable. I thought since I had always thought he was different than a lot of dudes and he was a gentlemen so going to see a movie would be fine. While at the movies we had met up with a couple more people and it was fine but as soon as we got into the movie he started acting really ghetto and unacceptable. Since it wasn't the movie him and his cousin wanted to see they were texting each other back and forth yelling during the movie and being really rude. After that day I have not talked to him since i realized that day that I do not like ghetto people and i would rather not be apart of such acts. I have never told him about his actions but ever since that day i began to realize that acting out in public is not me and that it is just another way to be steroetyped at this age. Going to the movies with him changed my thoughts about him as a person and im glad I went.

Option Three: Write one paragraph about a time when you felt uncomfortable or out of place. Where were you? Who were you with? Why did you feel so out of place? What did you learn about yourself as a result? Be sure you include a topic sentence, specific examples that support your topic sentence, and a final concluding sentence that wraps up your ideas.

I'll never forget when I came to register for Edina High School. It was difficult to adjust to but now I love being here. In mid August my mom and I came to Edina High School to see my counselor to get my schedule worked out and to get my pictures taking. We walked into the school and I automatically felt uncomfortable yes eveyone was nice but I felt out of place I saw no one of the same ethnicity as me and I then started questioning my mom about her choice of sending me here. I thought my counselor was nice and all but I didn't connect with nobody else he assured me I was not alone and I would be fine. My mom told me to stop worrying and I did race didn't matter but I don't like being out numbered. The first day of school changed my thoughts I thought I wouldn't fit in but by the second day I had tons of friends evey race. I wad proud of myself and I told my mom that I was happy with the choice of Edina. I learned that I am just shy at first and I need to feel welcomed in order to open up to changes. I also learned in order to be okay with change I have to be positive and look at it in a good way instead of a bad way .