Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Assignment # 2

I agree with that statement because when your in high school the friends you choice most of the time have the biggest influence on what you do in life and the kind of choices you make. At the same time i disagree because you can hang out with people that do bad stuff but still have friends that do and encourage you to do your work and stay on task in school. I have friends that may smoke but when we hang out its still fun because that's not always the case and it's never effected me because i don't smoke. It depends on who you are if you let everyone tell you that your not cool because your being yourself than they're not your true friends. My friends have never made me feel like that because they know it's not me and they respect me by not doing it around me and that's important to me. Not being part of the moment or the in crowd sometimes is the right thing because you don't want to get caught up in the wrong stuff.

1 comment:

.:.Kendra Ann.:. said...

i agree with what you first said about friends having a big influence on your life but at the same time, they dont always have to be bad influences because thats not always the case. you can surround yourself with positive people that encourage you to do the right things